Intuitive indicators of complex value
Cornerstone Indicators is a framework for evaluating holistic, non-linear outcomes.
It is used to co-create contextual indicators of systemic health.
Cornerstone Indicators is a framework for evaluating holistic, non-linear outcomes.
Cornerstone Indicators is a framework for evaluating holistic, non-linear outcomes.
It is used to co-create contextual indicators of systemic health.
Cornerstone Indicators is a framework for evaluating holistic, non-linear outcomes. It is used to co-create contextual indicators of systemic health.

Cornerstone Communities
Cornerstones Communities focuses on communities of place. It centres people (and their unique lived experience) in the design and evaluation of what a thriving future means.
Political advocacy
Connecting community voices
to political representatives.
Local investment
Agreeing on priorities
and intended benefits.
Citizen engagement
Supporting citizens to shape the initiatives that affect them.
Policy evaluation
Providing a citizen driven view of experienced outcomes.

Cornerstone Communities
Cornerstones Communities focuses on communities of place. It centres people (and their unique lived experience) in the design and evaluation of what a thriving future means.
Political advocacy
Connecting community voices to political representatives.
Local investment
Agreeing on priorities and intended benefits.
Citizen engagement
Supporting citizens to shape the initiatives that affect them.
Simplifying communication
Providing a citizen driven view of experienced outcomes.

Cornerstone Communities
Cornerstones Communities focuses on communities of place. It centres people (and their unique lived experience) in the design and evaluation of what a thriving future means.
Political advocacy
Connecting community voices to political representatives.
Local investment
Agreeing on priorities and intended benefits.
Citizen engagement
Supporting citizens to shape the initiatives that affect them.
Simplifying communication
Providing a citizen driven view of experienced outcomes.

The indicators combine participatory themes co-designed by stakeholders with existing metrics to create single, intuitively understandable narratives that represent complex inputs. The multi-dimensional indicators run in parallel to existing metrics providing a balanced view of holistic impact.

Multigenerational Spaces
Number of public spaces in the neighbourhood that are regularly used by multiple generations
The indicators are designed by the communities or stakeholders who will use them. This ensures that the things that matter to people and habitats, in their unique contexts, are the things that define success.
The multi-dimensional inputs provide a more balanced representation of complex interactions.
Each indicator is visually appealing and intuitively understandable. The image quickly forms an impression of the underlying meaning without having to read the details.
Each indicator combines multiple data points into a single easily understandable format.
The indicators are not intended to replace scientific measurements. Instead, they act as interfaces and balance points between the data and human lived experience.
The indicators combine participatory themes co-designed by stakeholders with existing metrics to create single, intuitively understandable narratives that represent complex inputs. The multi-dimensional indicators run in parallel to existing metrics providing a balanced view of holistic impact.
Multigenerational Spaces
Number of public spaces in the neighbourhood that are regularly used by multiple generations

The indicators are designed by the communities or stakeholders who will use them. This ensures that the things that matter to people and habitats, in their unique contexts, are the things that define success.
The multi-dimensional inputs provide a more balanced representation of complex interactions.
Each indicator is visually appealing and intuitively understandable. The image quickly forms an impression of the underlying meaning without having to read the details.
Each indicator combines multiple data points into a single easily understandable format.
The indicators are not intended to replace scientific measurements. Instead, they act as interfaces and balance points between the data and human lived experience.
The indicators combine participatory themes co-designed by stakeholders with existing metrics to create single, intuitively understandable narratives that represent complex inputs. The multi-dimensional indicators run in parallel to existing metrics providing a balanced view of holistic impact.
Multigenerational Spaces
Number of public spaces in the neighbourhood that are regularly used by multiple generations

The indicators are designed by the communities or stakeholders who will use them. This ensures that the things that matter to people and habitats, in their unique contexts, are the things that define success.
The multi-dimensional inputs provide a more balanced representation of complex interactions.
Each indicator is visually appealing and intuitively understandable. The image quickly forms an impression of the underlying meaning without having to read the details.
Each indicator combines multiple data points into a single easily understandable format.
The indicators are not intended to replace scientific measurements. Instead, they act as interfaces and balance points between the data and human lived experience.
Process and Tools
The Cornerstone Framework is a flexible, modular process. It facilitates an open exploration of what matters, now and in the future, in local contexts. Using thematic analysis, diverse participatory and data inputs are analysed to identify common themes and the factors that contribute to them. Finally, the analysis outputs are transformed into relatable stories and images that represent multiple metrics.
The Cornerstone Framework is a flexible, modular process. It facilitates an open exploration of what matters, now and in the future, in local contexts. Using thematic analysis, diverse participatory and data inputs are analysed to identify common themes and the factors that contribute to them. Finally, the analysis outputs are transformed into relatable stories and images that represent multiple metrics.
We have created an initial playbook and toolbox for the Cornerstone Communities element of the Framework. This is shared in the Tools Section so that you can repeat the process with your local community.
We have created an initial playbook and toolbox for the Cornerstone Communities element of the Framework. This is shared in the Tools Section so that you can repeat the process with your local community.

We are working with communities and organisations to implement the Cornerstone framework across different locations and systemic contexts. We have created an open source toolkit for communities of place and will continue to test and co-develop new use cases. If you would like to co-develop a strategy for a new use case then please get in touch with the CI Team.